Monday, February 15, 2016

Same but Different – Soldier Cay, Berry Islands

We sail south next day to play at Soldier Cay, one of D and my favorite places.  We were here in 1998 on Ceilidh, 1999 on Tough Decision, 2011 and 2015 on Fly Away.  The seasons and tides and weather can make the same destination different each visit.  

We dinghy to Hoffman’s Cay Blue Hole and meet up with a family visiting Great Harbour, Sandy Dixon from Georgia and his guests from California. Sandy owns a place in Great Harbour so he was a huge source of information. He told us of the progress at Bond’s Cay, now a bar and some cottages.  There are 3 kids, 9-13 years old, and the 2 older jump right in from the 15 foot ledge after both parents. The youngest wasn’t quite ready, but tried so hard she cried.  

Hoffman's  Cay Blue Hole

We dinghied around the island and seas were calm.  We saw the clearest water and beautiful coral reefs with gorgeous elkhorn coral reaching up from the depths next to crystal blue water and white sandy bottom. It’s so pristine, very rare for tourist to dive here.  Usually, just fisherman for lobster, conch, and fish.

The Rock on east coast of Hoffman's Cay

The next day we go to Ambergris Cay, a shallow banks cay that can only be accessed by dinghy. We go to a rock that is 15 feet high and 30 feet in diameter. It always has the prettiest aquarium of fish around it.  Today the tide is high and we are able to dinghy the whole way. The tide is rushing out at 5 knots so we can’t snorkel. The water is clear enough to see sting rays and a small nurse shark.  Jean and Gordy have a glass bottom bucket to see under the surface. 

We continue south and anchor at Alder’s Cay where we saw a spectacular cave and blow hole.

Cave at Alder's Cay with water from the blow hole making mini-waterfalls

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