Monday, September 21, 2015

Andros: Red Bays, Island Reefs, and Burnt Conch

Ten days at Morgan’s Bluff is time enough to see the routine and get the feel of the place.  Mail boat on Wednesday unless its Thursday, ESSO closes on the weekend, Unca Harvey’s Water Loop bar closes on Monday, the usuals at the bar never stop.

It’s been a great visit.  Our last visit, we arrived one day, toured the island the next day, and left on the third day.  That’s the difference in sailing on a timeframe versus sailing open ended. So much more rewarding. We actually were able to wait for favorable winds!  Not just go.
Unca Harvey's Water Loop bar, office, check-in

We met many new people and got to see our old friend Lavarette Woodside, who turned 36 years old on September 9th.  Unfortunately, Shonaray moved to Nassau, so we missed her and her daughters, Abigail and Esther.
                         D and Lavarrette enjoy watermelon and talk in the Regatta village disco

Solomon Roberts, our local guide, took us to Red Bays to the Black Seminole settlement, the Mennonite farm for fresh produce, and the grocery store for other provisions.

Red Bays was interesting, a step back in time to a simpler way of life.  D toured it in 2011 on his way back from the Bahamas with Harry after I flew back from Nassau to go to work. He met Preacher Teacher Bertram A. Newton, who showed them all around and gave them his book written in 1965 – The History of Red Bays.  Basically, enslaved in the US, they escaped to Florida before it because a state and made friends and lived in harmony with the Seminole Indians. They even incorporated their dress and culture.  In the 1820’s they lived in Angola where Sarasota is now.  When Florida became a state the slave hunters went to get their property, so the Black Seminoles left in canoes down the west coast of Florida to Cape Sable and headed to west coast Andros, an isolated, uninhabited area where they hoped to live free and in peace.  They were discovered 7 years later by a Bahamian official who took them to Nassau and pled their case.  They then became free men and women. A sad story for America.
                                                                  Red Bays entrance

We watched them weaving baskets from thatch palms, saw the dining hut where anyone can stop and eat, there is always something cooking and no one goes hungry, three large #3 wash tubs of laundry, and very open and friend people.  We found Preacher Newton’s widow, Rose Marshall Newton, and were able to pay our respects as her husband had died in 2013 and her influential mother, Omelia Marshall, died in 2012.   
    Red Bays Settlement - Thatch bunch, Chicken, and Hut

                                   Nickolas Ber is a weaver who learned from Mother Omelia
                                                        His son and daughter also weave. 

Solomon took us to the sponge docks, another major industry for Red Bays.  All the boats that could were out, including Pete the Greek, whom D met in 2011. Pete was from Greece and lived in Tarpon Springs, Florida, before moving to Red Bays.  The dock was decrepit and there were several sunk boats in the bay.  We saw carapace of lobster in the clear water where someone cleaned lobster tails.  We saw small sponges drying in the sun.  Sponging seems to be in decline. 

   The sponge docks and a sunk boat

Next we went to the Mennonite farm for fresh produce, but they had no harvest this time of the year, the next harvest was citrus in November.  They had a sign on the door, “We expect our customers to be fully clothed.” I had on long sleeves and long shorts. 

So we went to the Supermarket on Queens Highway and they had a good selection of produce and we picked up other provisions.  Good day.
    The supermarket on Queen's Highway

One day we took the dinghy to the small islands north of the harbor to explore. So small they are not named on our charts! We dinghied around the larger. It had 20 foot cliffs of coral and no beach access. The second island had a small sandy beach access so we anchored the dinghy about 50 feet out and swam in and walked the perimeter.   It was hard coral all around with broken shells and a low island brush interior.  It was about ¼ mile around. Then we snorkeled the reeks around it – just lovely, so clear and the healthy with fish, and soft and hard, colorful coral.  There was a purple coral I’d never seen before. Like a finger plume.  We saw 2 large trigger fish and lots of tropicals.  No lobster!
                                              Daryl swims to no name island and its reefs

We saw a panga boat, a long narrow skiff, 3 guys fishing. We headed to them.  They were diving and catching lobster.  It was Christopher and Bob in the boat, and Mike in the water. We agreed to buy 2 lobsters after seeing the size and asked that they bring them to our boat later.  When they came they sold us 4 for $30 – good deal! We grilled 2 and steamed 2.  Delicious.  The most frequent question – Is Maine lobster or Caribbean crawfish better?  The main difference is claws, Maine lobster has the tender tasty claws, so we’ll debate tail meat.  There’s no debate, they are both fabulous.  D says crawfish is not as lobstery, for what that’s worth! To me they are both sweet meat.  To my surprise I found I preferred them steamed. They were juicier and more tender. 

           Chris shows us their lobster, we buy 4.  

One of the special people was Monroe, AKA Captain Hardass.  He lives on his boat with his 2 skiffs.  He is 70+ years old.  He fishes, dives lobsters and conch and one time on his way to Chub Cay his motor failed so he swam his boat the rest of the way!  He is also the conch chef.  He makes the best conch salad!  He shops for lime, peppers, onions and hot peppers. He chops the salad, pounds the conch and mixes it in juices in his little hut in the bar.  For me he added lobster which was a real treat.  He also serves me burnt conch salad – to this day I am unsure what that is, but he assures me it’s not cooked and not spicy.  I think it’s the edge meat that is burnt orange in color.  I think … to be determined. It’s not in google.  He is leaving for Chub Cay and the Berries on Wednesday so we hope to see him again on this trip. Did I mention he is also a dapper dresser?

    Monroe AKA Captain Hardass, Conch Chef

Monroe's conch salad and Kalik

One last story before we leave Andros. We awoke one morning to a black splash stain on the transom and bottom of the boat. It was very dark, almost black, and about the size of a basketball. It didn’t smell and it was smooth to the touch, like a stain on the gelcoat. As I dive in the water, I try to wash it with a scrungy sponge.  No effect.  I use tide, it cleans everything. No effect. D says it may be organic, try bleach. I dab chlorox and rub it again, voile!  It disappears. We conclude that an octopus must have been caught between the boat and dinghy and defensively squirted its ink.  That’s our story!

We enjoyed Andros and look forward to sailing to the next island, New Providence (Nassau), where we hope to see Shonaray.  We will not miss the mosquitoes and the doctor flies!!

Favorable weather for crossing to Nassau

The harbor and beautiful water off Nassau

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