Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cuba maybe? Maybe later!

D and I have always wanted (just as any other US sailor) to sail to the beautiful island so close yet so far, Cuba.  We have made the commitment to go only when it's legal for US citizens, which may mean we will be the last of our generation to go! With the recent opening of embassies in Havana and Washington, DC, we heard rumors of sailing without permission or license.  Several boats from Marathon sailed off; Eleuthera with my Spanish classmate, Jamie and her husband Steve, was one.  I wish them well.  Unfortunately, when I researched a bit further, I found it really isn’t open to tourism by visitors as we want it to be, so we will sail our course to the beautiful islands of the Bahamas and enjoy it legally without concerns.  And the added benefit – they speak English!! 

In honor of the improving official relations between USA and Cuba, and hopes of one day going to Cuba, I put effort into learning Spanish.  Marathon made it easy, the local library hosts a Spanish Class each Monday 4-6 pm, and I faithfully attended and studied and prepared.  The teachers had good lessons and were very bright.  Plus I am following up using Duolingo.

Here is one homework assignment that I will share with you:
Mi llama es Margarita.  Yo navigacion ilimitado en un velero.  Esa hay un tiempo y sin destino especifico.  Estoy haciendo esto lograr la meta de su vida, disfrute de la belleza, estar circa de la naturaliza, el agua es incolora (limpia agua), aren blanca, pacifico, y hay gente.
Yo navigacion lo antes posible. Dispues de completar los proyectes. Como madre naturaliza permiso. 
Yo navigacion para el anclaje de distancia, a las isla desiertas.  Yo navigacion a las Bahamas, quiza mas.   

To my Spanish speaking friends I apologize, and to my English speaking friends, here is what I intended to say:
My name is Margaret. I am sailing open-ended on a sailboat.  That is, no timeframe and without a specific destination.  I am doing this to accomplish a life’s goal, enjoy the beauty, be close to nature, clear water, white sand, peacefulness, and no people. 
I am sailing as soon as possible.  After completing projects and as mother nature permits.
I am sailing for distant anchorages and deserted islands.  I am sailing to the Bahamas, maybe further. 


Our current status: All projects that must be done that we can do are done.  We are waiting for the dinghy to arrive, scheduled August 10 and ready for pickup 3-5 days later in Homestead.  Once we bring the dinghy back to Marathon, we need to finalize provisions on the boat, and get the truck back to Orlando, then get ourselves back to the boat, and then … off we go, sailing!  

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